
Pharmacy Needs Assessment 2024

Healthwatch Northumberland is working with Northumberland County Council to assess pharmacy services in the county.

Most of us use pharmacy services at some time or another. By sharing how you and your family use these services you can help make improvements for everyone in our community.

What you feed back about how you use your local pharmacy will help the council to write a local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, which will help to ensure that local pharmacies provides the service you need both now and in the future.

460 Saturday Bus Service

460 Saturday rural bus service which will link up at Alnwick with the X15 Bus Service to Morpeth, click on the attached to access the timetable

Parish Council vacancy

Ellingham Parish Council currently has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, please read the attached for more information


Neighbourhood Plan

The public meeting to discuss the next steps for the Ellingham Neighbourhood Plan has been deferred until March 2024.

Annual Audit 2023/24

The Annual Audit Return & associated paperwork can be accessed by clicking on the Documents tab, then clicking on the Audit tab.

Voting at future Elections

To vote for all Elections at Polling Stations as from May 2023 you will need to provide Photo ID, for more information please read the attached.

However, a Postal Vote is an alternative option