To report a crime anonymously please contact Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111 (or use the link below).
Northumbria Police - report an incident
To report incidents that do not require immediate attention please use the 101 reporting service (online or by phone).
For all emergencies still dial 999.
Use FixMyStreet to report a variety of issues to Northumberland County Council (such as potholes, fly tipping, blocked drainage gullies, or overgrown hedges blocking the highway):
Planning Applications at Northumberland County Council
You can use the link below to view and comment on planning applications. You are welcome to contact the Parish Council with your views, and any strategic applications will be discussed at a Parish Council meeting. But if you have comments to make (for or against) you are strongly advised to submit your individual comments direct to the Planning Department at Northumberland County Council.
View or comment on a planning application
You can either search using the word "Longhirst" or you can enter the case reference number - there's a list of the key ones below. You may find it useful to first read the information on 'how you can comment'.
- Anaerobic Digester, NE Grains - 18/04533/FUL
- Butterwell Disposal Point - 22/02869/FUL (notes from public meeting 06 Dec 22)
- Communications Mast - 20/01265/MAST
- Diary Lane, Outline Plannnig Permission - 18/00097/OUT; Removal of wall - 18/01028/LBC; Reserved Matters - 19/04265/REM
- Dominos Field, bungalows - 19/00991/FUL; Inspectorate Appeal APP/P2935/W/22/3295617 - appeal dismissed
- Heat Pump, Brocks Hill Longhirst - 20/01352/FUL
- (The) Old Vicarage - 20/00109/FUL
- (The Old) Pavilion, John Dobson Drive - 22/01461/FUL
- Station Cottages: Outline planning permission - Change of use - 18/00817/AGTRES (permitted); Variation to the design - 20/04065/VARYCO (permitted & partial refusal); Permitted development - 21/00069/CLEXIS (refused); Discharge of conditions - 21/03902/DISCON; Discharge conditions objection - 22/02387/DISCON (refused); Change of land use - 22/03679/FUL (pending)
- Stobswood Haul Road - 20/00465/PREAPP